Useful links | Useful - Vámprogram
Useful links
Economic Operator Identification and Registration
Identification and registration of economic operators
INTRASTAT adatszolgáltatói ELEKTRA oldal
Adatszolgáltatói ELEKTRA oldal
Vegyi anyagok európai vámügyi jegyzéke
Official Journal of the European Union
Customs Office Information
The website of NCTA eVÁM
Kombinált Nómenklatúra Magyarázata konszolidált verziók
Excise Authorisation Verification
SEED - Excise Authorisation Verification
KKK (NTCA External Communication Centre)
The website of NTCA External Communication Centre (in Hungarian language)
The current and archive Central Bank exchange rates are available here
The official website of the Hungarian Customs Union (in Hungarian language)
National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary (NTCA)
The official website of the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary (NTCA)
Electronic Public Road Trade Control System (EKÁER system)
The website of NCTA EKAER
The website of NCTA Online Invoice System
Online Nyomtatványkitöltő Alkalmazás
(in Hungarian language)
(in Hungarian language)
The official website of Régens
TARIC Hungary (in Hungarian language)
TARIC EU website
Organization of Customs, Fiscal and Agricultural Services
The official website of the Organization of Customs, Fiscal and Agricultural Services